Akbar Birbal Stories – a set of moral stories inspired from the interactions of Mughal Emperor Akbar and his wisest courtier Birbal. The Akbar Birbal stories have been especially edited to suit the young kids and each story teaches audience an important moral lesson.
Scroll down to read these fun Akbar Birbal stories or tune in to our podcast to hear them in Hindi. This Akbar Birbal Stories podcast is ranked amongst Top 10 podcasts in India by Chartable (a Spotify company).
35 Popular Akbar Birbal Stories For Kids5
Scroll down to read these Akbar and Birbal Stories
Witty Stories of Akbar and Birbal
Here are some amusing Akbar Birbal stories that demonstrate the wit and intelligence of Birbal.
List of Akbar Birbal Stories
1. Akbar and Birbal's First Meeting (अकबर और बीरबल की पहली मुलाक़ात)
Once Akbar went deep into the woods, with his companions, hunting wild animals but with no luck. Tired and thirsty, they decided to visit the nearby village and met a young local boy named Mahesh Das who readily agreed to help them.
The boy had no idea who Akbar was, so he cross-questioned him when Akbar asked the little boy what his name was. Seeing his confidence and cleverness, Akbar gave him a ring and asked him to meet him when he grows up. Later the boy realized that it was a royal ring and he had just met Emperor Akbar.
After few years, when Mahesh Das grew up, he decided to visit Akbar’s court. He was standing in a corner in the court when Akbar asked his noblemen which flower they think is the most beautiful flower on earth. Some answered rose, some lotus, some jasmine but Mahesh Das suggested that in his opinion it is the cotton flower. The entire court started laughing as cotton flowers are odorless. Mahesh Das then explained how useful cotton flowers are as the cotton grown from this flower is used to make clothes for people in summers as well as in winters.
Akbar was impressed with the answer. Mahesh Das then introduced himself and showed the Emperor the ring he had given years ago. Akbar happily appointed him as one of the noblemen in his court and Mahesh Das came to be known as Birbal.
Listen to this full Akbar Birbal story in Hindi above or on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Vikram Betal Hindi Stories>>
2. Fools List (मूर्ख लोगों की सूचि)
Akbar sometimes demanded strange things. One day he gave a bizarre order to Birbal to find him six biggest fools in their kingdom in a month’s time. Birbal respectfully agreed to Akbar’s order and left the place to carry out the order as directed.
As he was riding his horse, looking for people, first he met a man named Ramu who was sitting on a donkey and carrying some grass on his own head thiking that it would help share the load of the poor animal.
Then he met two people, Changu and Mangu, who were fighting because Changu said he will release his imaginary tiger on Mangu’s imaginary cow which they are going to get as a gift from the god.
In the evening Birbal met someone who was trying to find his lost ring in the lit area when actually the ring had fallen next to a faraway tree; but since it was quite dark there, the man thought of finding the ring in a lit area instead.
Birbal took the four of them to Akbar the next day. When Akbar asked who are the remaining two fools, Birbal pointed to himself and to Emperor Akbar for undertaking such an endeavor.
Listen to this full Akbar Birbal story in Hindi on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Hindi Folk Stories>>
3. Birbal's Guru (बीरबल के गुरु)
When Akbar’s guru paid him a visit from Mecca for a few days, it starts to intrigue Akbar to find out the details of Birbal’s guru who has tutored such a wise person. So when he questioned Birbal about his master’s whereabouts, Birbal informed him that his guru always remained silent and never goes out. Akbar insisted Birbal to introduce him to his guru.
On the way back, Birbal saw a humble woodcutter and pleased by him, Birbal converted his attire to that of a Brahmin and made him sit on the pedestal of a big temple and directed him to remain silent under all circumstances. When Birbal brought Akbar to meet the monk, Akbar decided to test the monk and lure him with gold.
But following Birbal’s directions, the monk paid no heed to Akbar’s repeated offers and continued to meditate. Angrily Akbar left the monk alone thinking him to be a fool. Among the many Akbar Birbal stories for kids, this one happens to be their favorite.
Listen to this full Akbar Birbal story in Hindi on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Ramayana Stories For Children>>
4. Answers To Three Questions (तीन प्रश्नों के उत्तर)
Akbar was extremely fond of Birbal’s intelligence and will often challenge him to demonstrate his wisdom. One day Akbar decided to test Birbal again and posed three questions in front of him.
1. Where does God live?
2. How can you find God?
3. What does God do?
Next day, Birbal’s son volunteers to answers these questions in the court in place of Birbal. To answer the first question, Birbal’s son ordered a cup of milk and sugar and mixed them. He asked Akbar if he can see sugar to which Akbar said no. Then Birbal’s son said god is like this sugar
For the second question, he used curd and asked if Akbar can spot butter in this? When Akbar said no as it will only come out upon churning the curd, Birbal’s son suggest that is exactly how one finds god i.e. by churning of heart.
For the third and final question, Birbal’s son asked Akbar to swap positions with him and then said that is exactly what god does – he turns a kind into a pauper and vice versa. Akbar had to agree on the intelligence that Birbal and his son have.
Listen to this full Akbar Birbal story in Hindi above or on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Explore Akbar Birbal Stories and other Hindi Varnamala Stories>>
5. The Magical Donkey (जादुई गधा)
Once Akbar gifted a very precious necklace to his queen which she safely in her room. But unfortunately, one day necklace was misplaced and queen was unable to locate it.
Then Akbar came to know that not only the necklace but few other precious things have also gone missing in the past few days from his palace. Unable to resolve the situation, he asked Birbal to help.
Birbal brought along a friend of his, a magical donkey, to solve the mystery. He asked each suspect to go alone in the tent and hold the donkey’s tail and if the person was the thief, the donkey will identify him and give him a good kick. Everyone followed Birbal’s instruction other than the thief. As Birbal had sprayed a powerful scent on Donkey’s tail and thief avoided touching the donkey’s tail out of fear, he was finally caught.
Listen to this full Akbar Birbal story in Hindi on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Panchatantra Stories>>
6. Most Beautiful Child In The World (दुनिया का सबसे खूबसूरत बच्चा)
King Akbar’s son was complimented for his beauty by everyone in the court. Akbar also agreed to the fact that his son was the most beautiful child in the world but Birbal did not agree to it completely. According to Birbal, Akbar’s son was definitely beautiful but not the most beautiful child in the whole world.
Furious, Akbar challenged Birbal to bring to him a child who was more beautiful than his son and prove him wrong. After a few days, Birbal takes Akbar to a place in the disguise of a common man to meet a poor woman. Though the child is extremely poor and playing in mud, Birbal calls him the most beautiful child in the world.
Akbar refutes this and the child starts to cry. Listening to this, child’s mother comes out and starts fighting with Akbar and calls her son the most beautiful child in the world. Then Akbar realizes that for a parent, their own child is always the most beautiful child in the whole world. Among the many Akbar Birbal stories for kids, this one happens to be their favorite.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Vikram Betal Stories>>
7. Everyone's Thinking Is The Same (सबकी सोच एक जैसी)
One fine day while the court proceedings were on, Akbar noticed that everyone had conflicting thoughts to the same question and they were unable to come to a consensus. He started pondering upon the fact if ever everyone can think the same way? The confused king asked Birbal if he can explain this to him? Birbal politely replied that at times people do think the same depending on what the problem is. When Akbar asks Birbal to prove it, Birbal comes up with an idea that requires all the citizens of the kingdom to pour a bowl of milk in the huge tub kept in the palace. Since everyone thought that there is no point in wasting precious milk on king’s absurd demand, they all poured a bowl of water instead assuming that others will be pouring milk and they wont be caught. This eventually proved Birbal’s point.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Moral stories in English >>
8. What God Does (ईश्वर जो करता है)
Birbal was a true believer in God and always maintained that there is always a good reason behind every decision of God. Once a courtier, who was jealous of Birbal, explained his misery of how he lost a finger and questioned Birbal whether he still holds onto the belief of God being so great. Birbal gave the same reply “Whatever happens, typically happens for a reason”, which made the courtier very angry. Three months passed by and one fine day, the courtier while hunting deep in the forest was caught by a group of tribal people. When they decided to sacrifice him to please their god, the priest stopped them. It was the same lost finger that saved him from the tribesmen on that miserable day and he was finally set free. Next day the courtier then went back to Birbal next day and told the entire story how the cut finger had saved his life and also sought his forgiveness.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
9. Life Extending Tree (उम्र बढ़ाने वाला वृक्ष)
A king of Turkistan was overly concerned about his growing age and came to know about a life-extending tree in India. He sent a letter to Akbar where he requested him to share some leaves of the tree with his courtiers for him. Akbar on consulting with Birbal, decided to capture all the soldiers of Turkistan in an unoccupied mansion and informed them that he can only provide the leaves when few of the bricks of the mansion break.
The tensed soldier stayed there for a few days and prayed to god day and night until an earthquake struck the kingdom. The wall of the prison where they were captured fell down and finally the soldiers were released as promised. Akbar then carefully explained the meaning of life to them and set them away to return back to their homes.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Ramayana Stories>>
10. Realizing Wrong Habit (गलत आदत का एहसास)
Akbar was quite disturbed and tensed about his son’s bad habit of sucking his own thumb. He tried a lot to cure this habit, but nothing worked. So he summoned a saint in his courtroom for help. After listening to the problem, the saint told that he would come after a few days with a solution and left. This behavior of the saint made Akbar very upset. After few days when the saint came back, he simply explained the boy about the consequences of his bad habit and the boy promised never to do it again. Akbar was furious that the saint could have done so last time itself and other courtiers also asked the king to punish the saint. Then Birbal jumped in and explained that since the saint himself had a bad habit of chewing tobacco, he couldn’t have asked the prince to quit his bad habit. But this time, the saint had come clean and he is able to preach confidently what he follows himself.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
11. Convincing a Stubborn Child (जिद्द पर अड़े बच्चे को मनाना)
Once an attendant in Akbar’s court broke one of Akbar’s favorite flower vase and when he was questioned, the servant lied to avoid punishment. But the truth was found out and servant was expelled from Akbar’s court because of the lie. Birbal argued that it is general human tendency to lie, not just to flaws or bad deeds but also to not to break the other person’s heart.
Unable to understand Birbal’s philosophy, Akbar asked him also to leave the court. That was when Birbal decided to teach Akbar the depth of his argument. He asked a goldsmith to prepare a strand of golden wheat and took it to Akbar. He informed the court that it was given by a saint to him and if they grew it in the land, it will give a full crop of golden wheat strands. But only a person who has never lied in his life can do so.
When all courtiers backed off and Akbar himself hesitated to grow the strand, Birbal repeated his argument and everyone agreed that they have all spoken a lie at some point in their lives. Among the many Akbar Birbal stories for kids, this one happens to be their favorite.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Panchatantra Stories>>
Moral Akbar Birbal Stories
Here are a few wise Akbar Birbal stories with morals and wit to share.
12. The Golden Wheat Strand (सोने की बाली)
Once Birbal was late to the court of Emperor Akbar. When he was asked for the reason, Birbal explained how he was stuck with his crying kids which caused him the delay in getting to the court. Akbar thought Birbal was lying and thus he was not impressed with the answer and insisted that convincing a child can’t be that difficult. To convince Akbar, Birbal decided to pretend like a kid and showed Akbar the challenges one faces when trying to convince a crying kid. As a child, he first started jumping around and threw a lot of tantrums and sat in Akbar’s lap. Akbar kept asking him to behave nicely. Then Birbal asked for a sugarcane and insisted Akbar to cut it into pieces and then changed his mind again and asked for full cane from the cut pieces. Finally Akbar was fed up and lost his cool. Akbar had to finally agree that convincing a kid is not easy.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Ramayana Stories>>
13.Emperor's Parrot (बादशाह का तोता)
There was a religious man who had the learned the art of training parrots. He would catch parrots with his charm, teach them manners, and then sell them to noblemen at a high price. So one day the man came to the court of Akbar and offered him a parrot. Akbar ordered a servant to look after the parrot very carefully and never give him news of any bad happenings with the parrot.
But due to the change of environment, the parrot fell sick and died. The poor servant got cared and thought that Akbar would punish him now as the parrot was very close to the emperor. He immediately went to Birbal seeking his help. Birbal then took it upon himself to deliver the news to Akbar. He told Akbar that his parrot has become a saint- who just looks up, neither eats nor moves. Akbar immediately visits the parrot and discovers that it has died. He understood Birbal’s smartness and his mistake in the end.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Vikram Betal Stories >>
14. Birbal's Polenta (बीरबल की खिचड़ी)
Once on a cold winter day, Akbar and Birbal were walking by the lake. Out of curiosity, Akbar stopped and put his finger into the freezing water and immediately took it out saying, “I don’t think anyone can sustain a night in this cold water”. Akbar promised a sum of 1000 gold coins to whoever could spend a night standing in the cold water of the lake.
Soon, a poor man came forward and spent the entire night standing in the freezing water. In the morning, when the poor man went to the court to collect his reward, Akbar asked him what made him able to stand in the freezing water whole night and the man replied, “My lord, I kept looking at a lamp that was burning at a distance on the roof of your palace, and spent my entire night looking at it”. On learning this, the emperor refused to offer the reward as he felt it was the warmth of the lamp which helped the man. The poor man then sought help from Birbal.
Next day Birbal didn’t go to the court. When Akbar sent a messenger asking about him, Birbal told him that he had put some polenta on fire and will come as soon as its ready. This intrigued Akbar and he came to Birbal’s house and found the polenta pot hung high in the air with a small fire burning on the floor. When Akbar said that this heat can’t reach the pot, Birbal suggested that similarly the heat of a small lamp couldn’t warm the poor man in the lake. Akbar realized his mistake and gave the reward as promised to the poor man.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
15. The New Minister (नया मंत्री)
It is known by all how much Akbar was fond of Birbal and considered him to be one of his dear friends. But one day Akbar got frustrated with him and Birbal, unable to understand Akbar’s mood, kept on cracking jokes on him. Suddenly Akbar burst out in anger and dismissed Birbal from his court duties and asked him to never return back. Birbal left in peace thinking that once Akbar’s temper cools down, he will be summoned back to the court.
Days passed by but no one from the court arrived to fetch him. Akbar tried to replace Birbal with a new minister but no one could meet up to the standards of witty Birbal. Therefore, Akbar decided to spread the word that whoever will answer his questions properly will be appointed as the next minister in his court.
On the day of the selection, Akbar’s other ministers started asking questions “How many shells are there in the seafloor?” Some aspirants answered lakhs while others said crores but one man named Chandan answered: “The count of total human eyes in the world is equal to the number of shells in the seafloor.” Next question was what is the prime happiness for the human body to which Chandan said it is to stay happy. Third question was what is the biggest weapon and Chandan said its intelligence.
Fourth question was how one can separate sand and sugar without water than Chandan suggested to let ants in the mix and they will take all the sugar away. Similarly more questions followed and Chandan impressed everyone with his knowledge and witt.
Akbar had already guessed from the answers that it was Birbal only in the attire of Chandan and was happy to take him back in his court when Birbal revealed his true identity. Among the many Akbar Birbal stories for kids, this one happens to be their favorite.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Continue Reading more Akbar Birbal ki kahaniyan>>
16. Pandit's Defeat (पंडित की हार)
One day a priest came in the court of Akbar with his wrist full of golden bangles and threw a challenge to Akbar. He suggested he will question the nobleman of Akbar’s court and if he looses, all the bangles that he has collected from great men all across the world will be Akbar’s but if he wins, Akbar will have to offer him another golden bangle. Birbal was summoned to face the challenge and the priest started questioning him.
The priest asked Birbal the first question – Usually our brain is in our head but when does it leave? Birbal said in old age. Next question was when does shame leave your eyes? Birbal said that is when you do something wrong. Next question was when does bravery leave one? Birbal suggested that when we are afraid of something. Last question was when does power leaves our body? Then Birbal suggested that happens in old age when we are unable to do our own chores. Priest understood that he has lost therefore he gave all his bangles to Akbar and left.
Read more Akbar Birbal Stories in English below or listen to the all Akbar Birbal ke kisse on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
17. Matters of Mind (मन की बात)
Once, Akbar declared that whoever will be able to read the other person’s mind and voice his thoughts properly will be awarded five thousand gold coins. Astrologers and noblemen from all across the country came to undertake the test but the ministers of Akbar’s court would deny the reward for everyone. They will change their mind at the last minute and even if someone guessed correctly, they would reply “No, No! I was not thinking about this. This is wrong.”
Finally a Brahmin who was an expert in this decided to take up the challenge. He has understood the tricks of the ministers that they did not want anyone to win. So he went directly to Birbal for help and Birbal gave him the task of making Birbal’s astrological chart just by looking at his face. The Brahmin was exemplary good in his skill and completed the task effortlessly. Birbal was very pleased and decided to help him out.
The Brahmin then went to the court and accepted Akbar’s challenge. When Akbar asked what’s going on in the mind of each nobleman there, Brahmin said,” All the ministers are thinking of Akbar’s long life, protection of his throne and well being of the kingdom.” Everyone had to agree to his answer as no one dared to demean the king.
Akbar was very pleased with the Brahmin and asked him a second question as to what is going in his mind. Brahmin using his skills answered that Akbar was thinking about the welfare of his ancestors. Akbar was pleased with the answer and offered him five thousand gold coins as announced.
Listen to this and other Akbar Birbal Stories on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Read Akbar Birbal Stories and also explore Vikram Betal Hindi Stories>>
18.The Real Owner (असली मालिक)
King Akbar was a very popular and well-known king. It was because of him that all the other kings lived in peace together. One day a king of a different place, King Faizal, decided to meet the witty Birbal and see his intelligence in person. The king took a disguise of a farmer and left for Delhi to meet Birbal. On his way, he saw a old lame man asking for help. The old man wanted to go to Delhi but no one would listen to his request. King Faizal felt bad for him and decided to help the man. He helped the man to climb the horse and they resumed their journey to Delhi again.
When they reached Delhi, King Faizal asked the old man to step down of the horse. Instead the old man started shouting and pretended to be the owner of the horse. He even accused King Faizal of being a thief who was trying to steal the horse. King Faizal was so astonished that he had no clue what to say, so they decided to visit the court of Akbar for a fair judgment. Akbar asked Birbal to look into the matter and find a solution.
Birbal as always quickly came up with a plan. He took both of them to the horse shed where there were several horses and asked them to identify the horse that belonged to them. The old man failed to do so but King Faizal instantly figured out his horse. This way Birbal once again managed to solve a case and King Faizal was highly impressed with his cleverness.
Listen to this and other Akbar Birbal Stories on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
19. Birbal's Justice (बीरबल का न्याय)
One day Birbal suggested to Emperor Akbar that if he ever makes a mistake, then Akbar should let Birbal choose the jury to decide the quantum of his punishment. One fateful day when Birbal did something wrong and was to be punished, Akbar let him choose his jury as promised.
Birbal called for 5 cobblers to decide his punishment. They were very pleased to help Akbar but they also found it a very good opportunity to seek revenge from him since long back Birbal tricked them all. The first cobbler asked Birbal to pay a fine of 150 gold coins.
The second cobbler thought that it was a hefty amount and might affect his family, so he reduced the fine by 20 coins from the original amount. Even the others continued to reduce the fine and finally it was decided to charge Birbal a fine of 40 gold coins only. Akbar understood why Birbal decided to choose his punishment because for a cobbler even 20 coins a year is a very big deal, so this way Birbal saved himself from a huge punishment.
Listen to this and other Akbar Birbal Stories on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
20. Emperor's Worth (बादशाह का मूल्य)
One day a minister in Akbar’s court brought up quite a weird topic. He came across a person in the market who used to work as a servant in a rich person’s house but was asked to leave by his master because he considered his servant to be a fool. The servant polity left, but before leaving, he mentioned to his master that the master doesn’t know how to value a person. Upon hearing this everyone present in the court got very confused.
They all wondered how can a person’s value be measured. Therefore everyone requested Akbar to find a solution to this confusion. In the next meeting, Akbar decided to take an example of himself and asked everyone what do they think of Akbar’s value.
Birbal as always had a solution and thus recommended Akbar to call all the jewellers and money lenders of his kingdom. Akbar asked the same question to them and gave them a time of 15 days to properly evaluate his own value. He even asked Birbal to accompany them for 15 days. After the stipulate time, everyone again came back to the court. The head of the jewellers ordered for scales and asked Akbar to sit on one side wherein on the other side he started to place gold coins.
Suddenly one jeweller from the crowd started shouting “Got it! Got it!” which made Akbar very angry. He angrily responded, “Is my worth equal to just one gold coin?” Then the jeweller explained that the gold coin is not any ordinary one. Just like Akbar is the king, similarly that gold coin is special and greatest of all. This made Akbar so happy that he rewarded the jewelers with a hefty prize.
Listen to this and other Akbar Birbal Stories on the Chimes mobile app – available for free on Google and Apple App Stores.
Takeaway from Akbar Birbal Stories
These Akbar Birbal stories act as a medium for imparting morals in children that they can carry with them throughout their lives.
Which of these stories is your favorite?
these stories have really good morals and u can learn a whole lot from it
Add some more stories please…
Very good
Stories are really very good. You should also mention the moral at the end of each story.
सभी कहानियां बहुत अच्छे से नैरेट की हुई है और वॉइस ओवर भी अच्छा है।
कहानी संख्या 29 जादुई छड़ी में बीरबल द्वारा छड़ी बांटने के बाद कहा गया वाक्य गलत है। नैरेटर द्वारा कहा गया है कि “जिसने भी चोरी की है उस की छड़ी लंबाई में चार अंगुल कम हो जाएगी” जबकि सही वाक्य यह है कि “जिसने भी चोरी की है उस की छड़ी लंबाई में चार अंगुल बढ़ जाएगी।”
I love reading Akbar and Birbal stories! They are so funny and entertaining.
I love these stories very much. They are the best stories ever.
Good stories…Pls add more
yes more of them
Stories were too good 👍🏻
I love reading Akbar and Birbal stories! They are so funny and entertaining.
I love reading Akbar and Birbal stories. They are so interesting and I can’t wait to read more!
Dileep PAL Singh
“Thank you for sharing these delightful Akbar Birbal stories! I’ve always enjoyed their wit and wisdom. Listening to them on the Chimes mobile app sounds like a fantastic way to relive these classic tales. 📚🎧”
I love reading Akbar and Birbal stories. They are so interesting and I can’t wait to read more!
I love reading Akbar and Birbal stories. They are so interesting and I can’t wait to read more!
I love reading Akbar and Birbal stories. They are so interesting and I can’t wait to read more!
I love reading Akbar and Birbal stories. They are so interesting and I can’t wait to read more!
I like it
My grand daughter loved most of the stories.. but last few stories are not completely given in the text , that gave her disappointment.
Dear Uma,
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Awesome collection of Akbar Birbal stories! I had no idea there were so many interesting tales involving these two legendary figures. The story about Birbal’s cleverness in solving the puzzle and Akbar’s appreciation for it is my favorite. It’s great to see historical figures being celebrated in such a fun and engaging way. Keep up the good work!