Types of Land Animals

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Animal Gyan, Land Animals, Types of land Animals

Different Types of Land Animals

In the podcast series, Animal Gyan – Encyclopedia for Kids, we will talk about land animals. A land animal or terrestrial animal is one that live on land. Listed below are some popular land animals that you ought to know about along with some of their fascinating characteristics. 

List of Land Animals

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  • There are over 210 species of goats
  • China has the most number of goats in the world
  • Goats don’t have teeth in the front of their upper jaw
  • Goats are known for being quite agile
  • They are capable of jumping over five feet
  • Goats have a four-chambered stomach that helps to digest some tough textured food
  • Their eyes are unique they have rectangular pupils, which enable them to have a vision of about 340 degrees
  • Goats are one of the oldest domesticated animals in the world


  • Cows are social animals
  • Baby cows are called Calves, adolescents are called Heifers
  • They cannot see the color red
  • Cows can’t vomit
  • They have almost 300 degrees vision
  • Cows have only one stomach with four different compartments
  • Male cows large horns on their heads while female cows have udders
  • Cows provide milk, and dairy products


  • Orangutans are red-haired apes
  • They live in nests on trees
  • Humans share nearly 97% of the same DNA with them
  • They mostly eat fruit and leaves
  • They make loud noises- howls and bellows
  • They have very long arms
  • They use all their limbs to eat
  • There are 3 species of orangutan


  • Iguanas are very large green lizards
  • They are very hot and sticky
  • They have 3 eyes
  • Iguanas make great pets
  • Iguanas are great runners and efficient swimmers
  • They are herbivorous animals
  • They are capable of detaching their tails


  • Weasels live in a group called confusion
  • Weasels have short head and short body
  • They are flexible and have long necks
  • They have dense fur
  • Weasels sleep during the day and are active at night
  • They have very good hearing abilities


  • Gorillas are the largest apes.
  • Gorillas have 95% DNA common to man
  • They are African natives. These primates are the largest of the group
  • They are intelligent animals, who have been noted to respond to about 2000 spoken English words
  • Gorillas are very social animals
  • Adult male gorillas are called ‘silverbacks’
  • Gorilla nose prints are just as unique as our fingerprints

Komodo Dragon

  • Komodo Dragons are world’s largest living lizards
  • They dwell in dry and hot climate
  • These intelligent and playful animals can swim very efficiently
  • Despite their body weight, they run very fast
  • They have long and flat heads with a muscular tail
  • Komodo Dragons have great sense of smell


  • Llamas are big friendly mammals
  • They communicate musically with their herd by humming
  • They are wool-bodied animals
  • They are native to South American Planes
  • Llamas have a very long face
  • They can detect danger using their sharp senses


  • Sloths are also very lazy animals
  • These animals are the slowest moving animal in the world
  • They are just medium-sized animals hanging on the trees
  • Sloths have a four-part stomach 
  • They have dense thick fur
  • They have the ability to extend their tongue
  • Sloths go to the toilet only once a week 


  • Pangolins are basically nocturnal animals
  • They have impenetrable defense mechanism
  • They have poor eyesight but great sense of smell
  • Their body is made of scales except for the belly
  • They are very secretive animals
  • Pangolins tongue can extend longer than their entire body


  • Donkeys are mammals related to horses
  • A male donkey is called jack and a female is called jennet
  • They are considered as one of the hardest working animals
  • Donkeys are both wild and domesticated animals
  • They are very sharp animals with a great memory
  • The signature donkey sound is “hee-haw”


  • Rhinos can weigh up to 1000 kgs but still, they are super fast when it comes to running
  • They belong to horses and zebras family
  • They have very poor eye-sight
  • Male Rhinos are called “bulls”, and females are called cows
  • White rhinos are the second-largest land mammal in the world
  • Rhinos have small brains
  • Some one-horned rhinos can also swim


  • Moles are very little animals
  • They are famous for their digging ability
  • They have velvety skin, and very tiny eyes
  • They have cylindrical, or tube-shaped bodies
  • Their nose and tail help to guide them through the darkness
  • They have a huge appetite


  • Snails have 14,000 teeth that act like shredder and help them with food
  • There are more than 50,000 species of snails
  • Snails are found in varying sizes from 16 inches to 5 mm
  • They have soft, unsegmented body protected by a hard shell
  • Snails have a pair of tentacles on their head
  • Snails can completely get into its shell


  • Squirrels are small animals
  • All squirrels are rodents
  • They have big eyes and bushy tails
  • They are very quick animals and can climb on tress in seconds
  • They mostly live on nuts, and seeds
  • A squirrel’s front teeth never stop growing 


  • Elephants are considered as the largest living land animal
  • They only eat plants and spend most of their day eating
  • Elephants travel in herd or group
  • They communicate with each other using variety of sounds
  • They can live till the age of 70
  • They secretly love swimming
  • They use their tasks for eating, picking objects, and drinking water


  • Tigers are India’s national animal
  • They belong to the cat family
  • Tigers are carnivores
  • They run up to 65km/h
  • Every tiger has their own unique stripes
  • A tiger’s call is called roar


  • Hippopotamus literally means the water horse
  • They spent lots of time in the water
  • They have an enormous head and short tail
  • They are herbivores
  • They are very active at night
  • Hippos are great swimmers and lives in groups


  • Earthworms are invertebrates
  • They do not have legs but have ring like segments in their bodies
  • They have no eyes or ears, but can sense vibrations
  • They live underground feeding on soil, plants, and dead leaves
  • They absorb oxygen through pores on their skin


  • Chameleons are also known as “Masters of disguise”
  • They belong to the lizard family
  • A group of chameleon is called a camp
  • Chameleon changes its color to yellow or red when it’s angry
  • Their tongue moves very fast
  • They can move their eyes independently


  • Peacocks are National Birds of India
  • These are well known for their beauty and dances
  • They mostly dances during the rains
  • Peacocks are omnivorous birds
  • Peacock’s head, neck, is blue in color
  • Peacocks sheds its feathers every summer


  • Koalas are cute little animals and often called Koala Bear
  • They are commonly found in Australia
  • They are mainly active at night
  • They get moisture from eucalyptus leaves and thus do not drink water
  • They have sharp claws to climb up trees
  • A baby Koala is called joey


  • Kangaroo is the national animal of Australia
  • There are four different kangaroo species
  • Kangaroos use their strong tails for balance while jumping
  • Female kangaroos has a pouch on their belly to carry their kids
  • They have powerful hind legs and small font legs


  • Scorpions are considered one of the dangerous animals
  • They have eight legs
  • Scorpions have powerful venom in them to kill small creatures
  • They can even live on one insect per year during tough conditions
  • They have a segmented tail that curves over their back


  • Ostriches are one of the few animals who are birds but can’t fly
  • They have very small brains
  • They lay the largest eggs in the world
  • They have tall strong legs
  • They are the tallest birds and can run very fast
  • A group of ostrich is called herd


  • Spiders are eight legged animals
  • Spiders make webs to catch other small insects
  • An average house has 30 spiders
  • They walk with the help of the small hair on their feet
  • Spiders release liquid in form of thread


  • Wolves are considered quite ferocious
  • They have sharp teeth and are strong
  • They are capable of running very fast
  • They have sharp eyesight
  • They also posses excellent sense of hearing and smell
  • The call of wolf is known as “howl”


  • Deer are brown in color
  • They are good swimmers
  • They have great hearing
  • They have poor eyesight
  • They can grow large antlers
  • Male deerare called bucks, and a group of deer is called a herd


  • Lion is the king of the jungle
  • They have a long body with a furry head and a short tail
  • Lionsare the second largest of all the big cats in the world
  • A baby lion is called a cub
  • Female lions do most of the hunting
  • They live in groups called “prides”
  • Lions hunt at night and spend the day sleeping usually


  • There are almost 3000 varieties of snakes
  • Snakes cannot hear sounds
  • They have long thin body but no legs
  • They don’t bite food, they simply swallow it
  • They are venomous
  • They can smell with their tongue and have high senses


  • Foxes are nocturnal animals
  • They have small tummies
  • They have large, triangular ears
  • Male fox is called a “Dog Fox” Females are called “Vixens” and baby foxes are called “Cubs” 
  • Foxes have long, bushy tails and narrow faces


  • Cockroaches are either black or brown in color
  • They have oval body
  • They have an exoskeleton
  • They can live for a week without its head
  • There are 4000 different species of cockroaches in the world


  • Giraffes have brown spots on their body
  • They have long legs and super long neck
  • They are herbivorous
  • A male giraffe is called bull and a baby giraffe is called calves
  • Giraffes are the tallest land mammal in the world


  • Beas can be polar bear, the brown bear, the black bear, the Asiatic black bear, the sun bear, the spectacled bear, and the sloth bear
  • They are mainly brown, red-brown, or black in color
  • Bears have short legs and tails
  • They are good climbers and swimmers
  • They are usually carnivores animal


  • Female sheep are called ewes and male sheep are known as rams
  • They have a 360 degree of vision
  • They have excellent sensory glands
  • They have great memories
  • Sheep are capable of experiencing emotions
  • Sheep provide wool to make clothes and different materials


  • Zebras can sleep while standing up
  • They mostly eat grass
  • A group of Zebras is known as ‘Dazzle
  • Zebra’shas a unique pattern of black and white stripes on their long body
  • They can run very fast
  • They have an odd number of toes on each of their hoof


  • A male rabbit is called a buck, a female rabbit is a doe, and a baby rabbit is a kit
  • They are very social creature
  • The teeth of rabbit never stop growing
  • They are capable of taking long leaps called as ‘binky’
  • Their eyes are on the sides of their head
  • Rabbits can turn their ears by 180 degrees


  • Rats are rodents with long tail
  • They are nocturnal
  • They have strong teeth
  • They are colorblind animals with poor vision
  • Rats are usually 7-9 inches tall
  • Their bite is said to be harmful


  • Horses are very intelligent animals
  • They can sleep while standing
  • They have very strong reflexes
  • They have 360 degree vision
  • Horses are typical domestic animals
  • The four legged animal live on grass or hay
  • A small horse is called Pony


  • Cats are furry domestic animals
  • They are long jumpers
  • They walk on four paws
  • They can sleep for 13-14 hours a day
  • They have good night vision
  • They also have great hearing and sense of smell

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