Work Book Podcast

Learn new words and build your vocabulary in fun way!

English Grammar, indian podcasts

Importance of English Vocabulary

English has become the world’s most widely used and spoken language – both in schools and in professional spheres. The need for everyone to learn it has grown significantly to survive in our globalized, hyperconnected world as English has become the default language that binds people from different regions and ethnicities together in our dynamic societies. 

Besides this, growing vocabulary especially help children in the following ways:

  • Vocabulary development is linked to academic success.
  • In kindergarten, a child’s vocabulary size predicts his or her ability to learn and read.
  • Children’s vocabulary aids their ability to think and learn about the world.
  • Expanding a child’s vocabulary gives them unrestricted access to new information.

The art of learning a new language is not just to build your vocabulary but also to master the art of using it the right way. And this podcast is perfectly conceptualized to help you learn the parts of speech in a super fun story telling way.

Looking to learn the usage of English Language Idioms to make your speech even sharper? Then don’t forget to check our other English Language podcast Better@Idioms

What are Parts of Speech?

The part of speech identifies how a word functions both grammatically and in terms of meaning within a sentence. When used in different contexts, a single word can serve as more than one part of speech. When using a dictionary, knowing the parts of speech is critical for determining the correct definition of a word.

Word Trivia- Do You Know?


– Chiaroscurist, Fuchsia, Sacrilegious

What is Word Book Podcast?

Word Book is an entertaining and educational English language learning podcast. The hosts, Ria and Alisha – both native speakers of the English language, select a random word, define its meaning and talk about its different forms, or parts of speech, like nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.  And the best part is the engaged, and often funny, creative storytelling where the listener gets to learn how to use the word in day-to-day conversation in various forms.

Did we mention the small quiz they play in each episode? It is a weekly podcast that not only helps expand your English vocabulary but also makes the learning process enjoyable. So if you are finding learning English hard and/or boring, then probably this is the best podcast to brush up your language skills for a new to intermediate user. All you need is your phone, laptop, or computer, as well as a good internet connection, to improve your English with just a few taps.

Build Your Vocabulary with Word Book!

Listed below are word titles which form the theme for each episode!

1- Enchant

Meaning- Fill (someone) with great delight; charm

Noun- Enchantment

Verb- Enchant

Adverb- Enchantingly

Adjective- Enchanting

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

2- Fright

Meaning- Sudden and extreme fear

Noun- Fright

Verb- Frighten

Adverb- Frighteningly

Adjective- Frightened

Improve your English vocabulary with the language learning podcast- Word Book.

3- Elude

Meaning- Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way

Noun- Elucidation

Verb- Elude

Adverb- Elusively

Adjective- Elusive

Know the definition, forms and usage of different words in our English vocabulary building podcast.

4- Generous

Meaning- A person who is giving when he is not expected to be / a larger portion of something than usual

Noun- Generosity

Adverb- Generously

Adjective- Generous

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this English language learning podcast.

5- Transparent

Meaning- Allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen

Noun- Transparency

Adverb- Transparently

Adjective- Transparent

Improve your English vocabulary with the language learning podcast- Word Book.

6- Nervous

Meaning- A feeling in which a person is shy, afraid or jumpy

Noun- Nervousness

Adverb- Nervously

Adjective- Nervous

Know the definition, forms and usage of different words in our English vocabulary building podcast.

7- Delicious

Meaning- Very tasty, mainly about food or drink

Noun- Delicacy

Adverb- Deliciously

Adjective- Delicious

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this English language learning podcast.

8- Search

Meaning- To look for something or someone

Noun- Search

Verb- Search/ Searching

Adverb- Searchingly

Adjective- Searching

Improve your English vocabulary with the language learning podcast- Word Book.

9- Mask

Meaning- Something to cover your face/ to hide something usually a fact, feeling or an idea

Noun- Mask

Verb- Mask/ Masked/ Masking

Adjective- Masked

Know the definition, forms and usage of different words in our English vocabulary building podcast.

10- Vivid

Meaning- Anything that is strong bright or very clear

Noun- Vividness

Verb- Vivid

Adverb- Vividly

Adjective- Vivid

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

11- Distract

Meaning- prevent (someone) from concentrating on something.

Noun- distraction

Verb- distract

Adverb- distractedly

Adjective- distracted

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

12- Certain

Meaning- having no doubts that something is true

Noun- certainty

Verb- ascertain

Adverb- certainly

Adjective- certain

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

13- Possible

Meaning- something that can be done

Noun- possibility 

Verb- postulate

Adverb- possibly

Adjective- possible

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

14- Tranquil

Meaning- free from commotion or tumult

Noun- tranquility

Verb- tranquilize

Adverb- tranquillizingly

Adjective- tranquil

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

15- Trend

Meaning- gradual change or development producing particular result

Noun- trend

Verb- trended, trending

Adverb- trendily

Adjective- trendy

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

16- Consider

Meaning- think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.

Noun- consideration 

Verb- consider

Adverb- consideringly

Adjective- considerate 

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

17- Entice

Meaning- attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage

Noun- enticement

Verb- entice

Adverb- enticingly

Adjective- enticed, enticing

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

18- Admire

Meaning- to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval

Noun- admiration 

Verb- admire

Adverb- admiringly

Adjective- admirable 

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

19- Skeptical

Meaning- ​having doubts that a claim or statement is true or that something will happen

Noun- skepticism

Verb- skepticize

Adverb- skeptically

Adjective- skeptical

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

20- Endure

Meaning- to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful

Noun- endurance 

Verb- enduring

Adverb- enduringly

Adjective- endurable

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

21- Delude

Meaning- make (someone) believe something that is not true.

Noun- delusion

Verb- delude

Adverb- deludingly 

Adjective- deluded, deludable 

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

22- Menace

Meaning- a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger.

Noun- menace

Verb- menacing

Adverb- menacingly 

Adjective- menaced

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

23. Accuse

Meaning- charge (someone) with an offence or crime

Noun- accusation

Verb- accusing

Adverb- accusingly

Adjective- accusatory accusable

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

24. Accept

Meaning- to receive (something offered) willingly 

Noun- acceptance

Verb- accept

Adverb- acceptably

Adjective- acceptance

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

25. Power

Meaning- possession of control, authority, or influence over others

Noun- power

Verb- powered 

Adverb- powerfully

Adjective- powerful

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

26. Reason

Meaning- an explanation or justification of an act, idea, etc

Noun- reason

Verb- reasoned  

Adverb- reasonably

Adjective- reasonable 

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

27. Appreciate

Meaning- to be grateful or thankful for

Noun- appreciation 

Verb- appreciating

Adverb- appreciably 

Adjective- appreciable

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

28. Separate

Meaning- to set or keep apart

Noun- separation

Verb- separate

Adverb- separately

Adjective- separate

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

29. Confusion

Meaning- to make someone feel that they do not understand something

Noun- confusion 

Verb- confuse 

Adverb- confusingly

Adjective- confusing

Learn new English words, and improve your English vocabulary with this language learning podcast.

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