Stories of Inventors and Their Inventions

Introduce your kid to some great and famous inventions around the world

inventors and their inventions

We live in a world where we are surrounded by things that have made our lives easier. To name a few inventors and their inventions: Telephone by Graham Bell, Camera by Geroge Eastman, Radio by Guglielmo Marconi, and others. 

These are the inventions that changed the world. There are stories of many unpopular inventions that are used in our daily lives that can act as a guiding light for the young kids of today. That is what we are here to bring to you in our podcast “Inventopedia – Stories of Great Inventors and Their Inventions”

We talk about the facts, the circumstances, the accidents, the heartbreaks, and the “Eureka” moments when all the years of hard work came to fruition and sometimes resulting in big acknowledgments like Noble Prizes. So if you are a science buff like the team at Chimes Radio, quench your thirst with us, and let’s go on a journey around the world talking about some of the famous inventors and their inventions that changed the world.

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Stories of Inventors and Their Inventions

Learn about 50 famous Inventors & their Great Inventions

List of Famous Inventions

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1. Who invented Chocolate?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, let us tell you about one of the great inventions of one thing which is loved and enjoyed by one and all, Chocolate. Let’s talk about famous inventors!

Originally found by people of Mayan Civilization, who drank it after boiling cocoa beans in water. Chocolate was turned into its present bar form after many modifications by Joseph Fry in 1847.

2. Who invented Airplane?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk one of the great inventions that deferred distances, and brought people together, The Airplane. Keeping their childhood toy in mind, and applying the concept of balancing, Wright Brothers invented the Airplane. Let’s keep talking about famous inventors!

Keep listening to famous inventors and their inventions that changed the world

3. Who invented the Locomotive Steam Engine?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about one of the great inventions that had a key role in the Industrial Revolution. James Watt, while making his morning tea, realized the power of steam that forced the kettle lip to rise up, then he worked on making the Steam Locomotive Engine, which changed the world. Let’s keep talking about famous inventors!

4. Who invented the Steam Engine?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk one of the great inventions that used the Power of Steam in various Industrial fields. Thomas Savery, invented the steam engine, after borrowing the idea from a normal kitchen pressure cooker. This invention later used high-pressure steam power to empty water from flooded coal mines. Isn’t that interesting? Let’s keep talking about famous inventors!

Keep listening to famous inventors and their inventions that changed the world

5. Who invented the Telephone?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about one of the great inventions which led to real-time communication, the Telephone

A small game that involved a string and two tin cans, led to the invention of the Telephone, which connects us immediately with our loved ones. The telephone was an up-gradation from Telegraph, where graphic images were transmitted, in telephone sound was transmitted. It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Let’s keep talking about famous inventors!

6. Who invented the Radio?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about one of the great inventions which in a way is connecting us to you.

Radio involved soundwaves to be received by a receiver and then reach our ears. Radio has been the oldest means of mass communication second only to News Papers. Listen in to know how this medium was invented by Guglielmo Marconi. Let’s keep talking about famous inventors!

Keep listening to famous inventors and their inventions that changed the world

7. Who invented the Camera?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about one of the great inventions that help in making memories.

From using a low-quality camera which was quite rare, to have a good quality camera, change happened. Today cameras can be grasped in our hand as mobile cameras, and these things that capture memories have come a long way. The camera was invented by George Eastman. Let’s keep talking about famous inventors!

8. Who invented the Television?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about one of the great inventions that help in making memories.

Television, ever since its invention and availability as a medium of entertainment changed the entire world. This device has developed and upgraded a lot in phases and stages. Starting from John Baird’s first TV picture transmission, to the LEDs we watch today. Television has been phenomenal in showing us the world. Let’s keep talking about famous inventors!

Keep listening to famous inventors and their inventions that changed the world

9. Who invented the Search Engine?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about one of the great inventions that help in making memories.

Search Engines have made life much more easier, as they give us answers to our questions by just pressing a few keys. Listen in to see how these search engines were invented and how they have evolved and developed over time. And also listen to know how Google has become synonymous with Search Engines.    Let’s keep talking about famous inventors!

10. Who invented the Calculator?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about one of the great inventions that help in making memories.

Starting from Abacus which used beads to calculate, to mechanical calculators where manually the digits needed to be aligned for results, to the present day digital calculators, where we just have to press some keys. These mathematical accompaniments have come a long way. The calculator was invented by Curt Herzstark in 1930. Listen in to know-how was it invented, and how they evolved physically from a clumsy beads clad abacus plate to our smartphones which help us calculate on the go.

Keep listening to famous inventors and their inventions that changed the world

11. Who invented Eyeglasses?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about one of the great inventions that help in proper vision.

Many of us wear eyeglasses or spectacles. With colorful frames, they look really smart on us. They are in fact a means to correct our visions. So starting from using glasses as magnifying glass, to using concave or convex lenses, to bifocal lenses, to sunglasses, to compact contact lenses. There have been many names who have worked on this invention, but major credit is given to Rodger Bacon, as he implemented the correct way of using lenses.

12. Who invented the Tie?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Tie.

The tie is a very formal attire. Many of us learn wearing it in right in school. Tie came into notice during 17th Century, worn by Croatian Soldiers, and known as La Cravate. Around 1800, King Edward VII gave it the name “Tie”, There were 32 different types of knots for this formal attire back in 1857. Jesse Langsdorf a Newyorker patented the tie. But even after that the tie evolved, and by 1985 there were 85 ways in which tie was knotted. Listen in to know more about this smart piece of formal attire.

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13. Who invented the Belt?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Belt.

In the last episode, we learned how Tie got its present form, in this episode, we will hear about how Belt did. The belt is much more than something that tightens the Pants and keeps them from loosening. An essential part of our school uniform, office attire, formal or casual wear. Starting in the Rose Era, belts were used to either hold the pants or as a means to hang weapons and pouches. Later it became a style statement. Listen in to know the evolution of this fashionable accessory.

14. Who invented Social Media?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Social Media.

Humans are also called Social Animals, we all love to socialize, meeting, influencing people. The basis of this is Communication. Modes of Communication evolved with time and according to how people Starting from Letters, going through Telegraphs came Telephone, which was a real-time mode. Then Computers came, and then came the Internet.

This mode was a breakthrough because sent messages in the blink of an eye. From e-mails to real-time chatting and various Social Networking sites, the world has now changed for the better. Learn about the mode of communications in this episode.

Keep listening to famous inventors and their inventions that changed the world

15. Who invented Video Games?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Video Games.

Video Games have become quite popular during the Pandemic. Inability to send the children outside for playing physically, parents are bound to keep them home and to keep them engages, video games play an effective role. There are many gaming options at present times for children to use, but the very first attempt made in creating one was back in the 1950s. These video games were confined to science labs as experimental games only.

The very first video game was made by William Higginbotham, called Tennis for two. Later Video games went through many developments and became available to be played by people in the comfort of their homes. Listen in to know more about how they evolved and came to their present form.

16. Who invented Bicycles?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Bicycles.

The bicycle was invented in 1817 by Karl Von Drais and it was meant to be pushed with your own feet as it had no pedals. The next iteration of the cycle had pedals added to it but it had no brakes.

Then we saw Penny-Farthing cycles which started to become quite popular between the 1870s to 1880s. Finally, in 1885 and Englishman introduced the first safety cycle which took bicycle’s interest all over the world to another level altogether. 1894, Betty Bloomer’s cycles, was the first woman-first designed bicycle followed by in 1920 when the first kid’s focussed bicycle was introduced which ended up evolving into geared bicycles and mountain bikes too.

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17. Who invented Light Bulb?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Light Bulbs.

Light Bulb is commonly credited as the invention of Thomas Edison. But the work on the light bulb was started 35 years before him though the product design of Thoman Edison was what was practically useful. In 1802 Humphry Davy, was the first to detect light in carbon by using electricity which came to be known as Electic Arc Lamp. This was followed by several other variations but none of them were suitable for commercial usage. Till platinum filament was introduced in the bulb by British scientist Warren de la Rue.

Then in 1850, this concept was further improvised by  Joseph Wilson Swan by enclosing carbonized paper filaments in an evacuated glass bulb. But this design had a very short life span. In July 1874, Henry Woodward and his team got a patent for a new design but since they failed to commercialize their invention, it was sold to Thomas Edison. Finally, in 1878, Edison started his research on Light Bulbs using that patent as base and was able to successfully file a new design patent for light bulb on 4 Nov 1879, and began the era of light bulb’s commercialization.

18. Who invented Compass?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Compass.

We have a device called Compass which tells us about the directions N S E W. First Compass was invented 2000 years ago in Han Dynasty in China, where it was used for telling the future, and not for navigational purpose. Song dynasty in China used it for navigational purpose. 

After going through many changes, finally Sir William Thompson got the patent for Modern Compass in 1876. It was a basic compass, which was an answer to all the navigational problems.

Listen in to know more about how compass got its popular form.

Keep listening to famous inventors and their inventions that changed the world

19. Who invented Pen?

In this episode of‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Pen.

Pen is Tongue of the Mind. When Papyrus was invented, pen was required to be made in around 3000 BC. Initially the pen were made of bamboo and fluids were filled in them to write. There were also feather pen, where feathers of birds were dipped in ink and then were used to write. 

The inspiration for present form of pen came into being in 1822, that was made by John Mitchell with the help of machine. 

A lot of improvements happened and Pen came to its present form. Listen in to know more

20. Who invented Paper?

In this episode of‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Paper.

In earlier times, written communication began with writing on walls, rocks and similar things, Then a need to write on something convenient for easier communication lead to invention of paper. 

Papyrus and Parchment surface was used earlier for writing and then paper was invented in China by a court official by the name of Cai Lun

Later this technique was spread in various West Asian Countries, which took them to Europe through sea route. First paper of the world mill was made in Spain. And the rest is history!!! 

21. Who invented Tea?

In this episode of‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Tea.

Tea is the most popular of all drinks in the modern civilized society. Nowadays, some people can go without food but they cannot go without a morning cup of tea. It is made from the leaves of the tea plant. Tea grows in China, Japan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Ceylon, and some other countries.

Listen to the podcast to know the story of tea.

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22. Who invented Clocks?

In this episode of‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Clocks.

According to historical records and archaeological finds the first clocks were developed by the Ancient Egyptians. Called Shadow Clocks, they were able to divide the day into 12-hour periods and used some of their enormous obelisks to track the movement of the sun.  Candle Clocks were another ancient timekeeping device that was used widely around the world from China to England and Mesopotamia.

Listen to the podcast to know the evolution of Clocks

23. Who invented Mirror?

In this episode of‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Mirror.

The silvered-glass mirrors found throughout the world today first got their start in Germany almost 200 years ago. In 1835, German chemist Justus von Liebig developed a process for applying a thin layer of metallic silver to one side of a pane of clear glass.

Listen to the podcast to know the story of Mirror.

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24. Who invented Computer?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Computer.

Computers, love them or hate them, we rely on them every day.  But, have you ever stopped to think about who invented computers and how they came to dominate our lives? So who invented the first computer? Computer was first invented by Charles Babbage.

Listen to the podcast to know the story of Computer.

25. Who invented Washing machine?

In this episode of‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Washing Machine.

A washing machine is  machine that washes dirty clothes. It contains a barrel into which the clothes are placed. This barrel is filled with water, and then rotated very quickly to make the water remove dirt from the clothes.

But washing machine has its own story of evolution, Earlier, People had to heat water on a stove and then scrub clothes on a washboard.  Listen to the podcast to know the story of Washing Machine.

26. Who invented Tyre?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Tyre.

The wheel was invented around 3500 BC, becoming one of man’s greatest innovations. In its earliest form, the wheel was a curved piece of wood. Later, the first patent for what appears to be a standard pneumatic tire appeared in 1847 lodged by Scottish inventor Robert William Thomson

27. Who invented Battery?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Battery.

From TV remotes, to driving cars, ACs to inverters, Battery has become a requirement in life. It makes our life so easier. It is used almost everywhere. It was invented by Volta and Galvani in the 18th century. Learn how the scientists came up with the idea and concept of Battery. 

28. Who invented Mobile Phone?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Mobile Phone.

An invention which has made us connected to people in so many ways, The Mobile phone. It makes us secure giving an surety that talking to our dear ones is just a few button presses away.  Mobile phones was first invented by Dr Martin Cooper. It started from walkie-talkies to large car battery sized mobiles, to a 2 kg weighing handset, to he now compact and slim cell phones, they have come a long way.

29. Who invented Motorcycle?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Motorcycle.

A motorcycle, often called a motorbike, bike, or cycle, is a two wheeled motor vehicle. Which made our daily commuting easy. From a crazy idea to most used vehicle around the globe, they have come a long way. It was first invented by Gottlieb Daimler.

30. Who invented Electricity?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Electricity.

Electricity a energy that we use to make heat, light and run machines. From Kite flying to light first bulb electricity come a long way. Electricity was never invented, it was always present in the nature. Therefore in 1600 B.C for the first time electric charge was discovered with the help of an fossilized wood and cat’s fur. Interesting right?

31. Who invented Electric Telegraph?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Electric Telegraph.

In the old days, Postman and pigeons were used to send letters which took a lot of time but an art professor changed everything. How ? Samuel Morse, an art professor invented electric telegraph. 

32. Who invented Telescope?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Telescope.

NASA shared the amazing picture of black hole with the world, which everyone was surprised to see and this picture was captured thanks to a telescope, so let’s know about this amazing invention which opened many secrets of space in front of us. Telescope was invented by Telescope by Hans Lipperhey.

33. Who invented Typewriter?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Typewriter.

A typewriter is a mechanical or electromechanical machine which solved human writing problem and make easy to document important information. In 1829, American William Austin Burt patented the “Typographer,” which is often referred to as the “first typewriter,” as are many other early machines.

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34. Who invented Helicopter?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Helicopter.

Helicopter, a small aircraft which can go straight up in air and widely used for military and rescue operations and also favorite transport machine for most of us. From imagination to reality they have come a long way. Helicopter was invented by Igor Sikorsky.

35. Who invented Microwave Oven?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Microwave Oven.

Whether it is to heat food quickly or to bake pizza cakes, pastry, cookies, microwave is useful everywhere. The story of microwave’s journey from an accident to the glory of our kitchen is very interesting. Microwave Oven was first invented by Percy Lebron Spencer.

36. Who invented Refrigerator?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Refrigerator.

Man first discovered fire, then learned to cook food and after that he started thinking of ways to store food items for a longer period. and Invented refrigerator. An appliance which is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink for longer period. From small cooler to the inexhaustible part of our kitchens they have com a long way.

37. Who invented Motor Car?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Motor Car.

Car a wheeled motor vehicle which is used for transportation all around the globe. From the invention of the wheel to the invention of the car the journey is very long. Motor Car was first invented by Karl Benz.

Keep listening to famous inventors and their inventions that changed the world

38. Who invented Glider ?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Glider .

Glider one such invention that not only turned the dream of man to fly in the sky into reality. Rather inspired many scientists to travel by air. The story of the invention of the glider is very interesting. And all credit goes to it. Otto Lillenthal, who is also known as the Father of the Glider and Flying Man. 

39. Who invented Vaccine ?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Vaccine.

Vaccine is a word that has become very common in the vocabulary of humans. Yes, a pandemic has taught us a lot. Vaccines become important for us along with oxygen. Thanks to Edward Jenner who did this miracle almost 200 years ago. Know how and under what circumstances the vaccine was invented.

40. Who invented Parachute ?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Parachute.

A parachute is a device which is used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere by creating drag. A major application is to support people, for recreation or as a safety device for aviators, who can exit from an aircraft at height. From a sketch to a useful tool of todays life Parachute come a long way.

41. Who invented Microphone?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Microphone.

Microphone, commonly known as mic or mike is a device which is used to convert sound waves into electrical signal which can be transmit from a place to distance. Today Microphone is used in day to day life it is used in headsets, mobile phone, laptop and computer. Microphone is in service of human being from more than a century. 

42. Who invented Tooth Brush?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Tooth Brush.

Brushing is a good habit and we should clean our teeth twice a day using a tooth brush everyday. But do you know who invented this seemingly insignificant but very useful tool and under what circumstances? Tooth brush was first ideated by William Addis.

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43. Who invented X-Ray?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of X-Ray.

X-Ray is used to capture the bone structure of human body. W.C. Röntgen announced the discovery of X-rays in December 1895, after seven weeks of intense research into the properties of this new type of radiation capable of passing through thick screens.

44. Who invented Tractor?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Tractor.

There was a time when all the farming work had to be done by hand, which took a lot of time and the farmers were harmed due to the loss of their crops, but along with the progress of science, farming equipment was also developed, in which the machine was the most useful. John Froelich invented and built the first gasoline-powered tractor.

45. Who invented Submarine?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Submarine.

Submarine is a vessel used for diving deep into the ocean. The submarine is used by the Navy to protect our borders. The story of the invention of a modern nuclear powered submarine from the first submarine made of leather and wood is very interesting. The first submarine was most likely a vessel designed and tested by Dutch inventor Cornelis Drebbel in the early seventeenth century.

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46. Who invented Ship?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Ship.

The history of Ships is very old, they are also mentioned in many places in religious texts. When Manu or Noah saved the world by traveling on a Ship. The journey of invention from a wooden pole to a big cruise is a very interesting one. Know how and when humans invented the Ship. Egyptians were among the earliest ship builders. 

47. Who invented Automatic Teller Machine?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Automated Teller Machine.

ATM Automated Teller Machine which is also known as Cash point, Automatic Banking Machine , Hole in the wall in other part of the world. ATM machine was first used in US and UK. But these days ATM machine can be seen in every part of the world. 

48. Who invented Sewing Machine?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of Sewing Machine.

Today’s era is the era of fashion. Every person wants to look different from the other. We wear trendy jeans shirt and sometimes sherwani or 3 piece suit according to the atmosphere and occasion. And we can get all these stylish products thanks to the sewing machine. Which is used to sew and many different types of fabrics such as Leather or Cotton. It is generally considered to have been the work of Englishman Thomas Saint in 1790.

49. Who invented School?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of School.

School is a place where we spend the happiest and most memorable moments of our life. There is a lot of fun in school and friends are made to support lifelong. But due to the pandemic, the schools had to be closed, but now in view of the improving conditions, the schools are reopening once again. But do you know when schools were started for the first time ?

50. Who invented QR code?

In this episode of ‘Inventopedia, Stories of Inventors and their Inventions’, we will talk about the invention of QR code.

QR code means Quick response code , A black and white label that is not so attractive to look at but is a great use. QR code stores the biggest data and also processes it very fast. And in today’s digital era, it is proving to be a boon for the banking sector. QR Code was first invented by by Masahiro Hara.

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