Kabhi Socha Hai? Science podcast for kids

Learn and understand scientific logic and explanation behind several basic yet interesting questions

science podcast for kids

A Science Podcast For Kids

Is your kid always curious about things and wants to know the logical and often the scientific reason behind stuff that happens around? Questions like:

  1. Why is the sky blue in color?
  2. How do birds fly?
  3. Why is seawater salty?
  4. How does an airplane fly?
  5. Why are leaves green?

Well if you also tend to stress your mind to find the answers to such questions, then you are in the right place. 

“Kabhi Socha Hai” is a factual science podcast for kids. According to dictionary, Science is a systematic knowledge of the physical and material world gained through observations and experimentation. And in this podcast, we try to explain the same in easy-to-understand language. Each episode is 3-4 minutes long where we take on such an interesting topic head-on and provide a scientific and/or logical explanation that is easy to understand for young minds.

Delivered in Hindi, and a bit of English, this educational science podcast for kids does not only limit to young minds but is also for those inquisitive adults who would like to refresh their science basics and be prepared to act all knowledgable when kids pop these questions to them. 

All the episodes of this podcast series, “Kabhi Socha Hai” – Science Podcast For Kids can be enjoyed on any major audio streaming platforms.

Disclaimer: This content is for entertainment only. While we take precautions to ensure our explanations are factually correct as per the scientific and world understanding, we cannot guarantee their accuracy. We highly recommend listeners to do follow-on research if they are planning to use this information for any further analysis, research work, academic work, or for quoting it in the public domain. 

Science Podcast For Kids

Questions of our Science Podcast For Kids:

Science Podcast For Kids

Question 110: What causes the sound to echo?

– In this episode, we discuss what is echo and the scientific explanation of what causes it.

Question 109: What are monsoons?

– Let us discuss monsoons and what causes them in the first place.

Question 108: Why we shouldn’t sleep under trees at night?

In this episode, we discuss why we should not sleep under trees at night.

Question 107: Why birds don’t get electrocuted when they sit on electric cables?

– In this episode, we discuss why birds don’t get electrocuted when they sit on high voltage electric cables?

Question 106: How milk transforms into curd overnight?

– In this episode, we discuss how milk transforms into curd overnight through the process of fermentation.

Question 105: Why cats can sneak through even small gaps?

– In this episode, we discuss why cats can sneak through even small gaps?

Question 104: Why drinking warm water is considered good in the morning?

– In In this episode, we discuss the reason why we are recommended to drink warm water in the morning. 

Question 103: Why do we stare upwards while trying to recall something?

– In In this episode, we discuss the reason why we always stare upwards while we are trying to recall something? Well, the answer to that is alpha waves in our brain. Listen to the podcast to find all the science behind it.

Question 102: Why do we have earthquakes?

– In this episode, we discuss what causes earthquakes?

Question 101: Why sometimes it rains accompanied by sunlight?

– In this episode, we discuss why sometimes we have rain accompanied by sunlight. 

Science Podcast For Kids

Question 100: How salt helps to melt the snow?

– In this special 100th episode, we bring to you the reason how salt/grit helps to melt snow.

Question 99: Why bamboo trees grow so quickly?

– Have you ever wondered why bamboo trees grow so quickly? 

Question 98: What is Tip of the tongue thinking?

– Have you ever been in a situation that you want to say something but unable to call it out? If yes, this is called Tip of the tongue thinking. Let’s find out the science behind it.

Question 97: Why water is so effective in cleaning things?

– Let’s find out the science of why water is so effective in cleaning things?

Question 96: How does a solar eclipse happen?

– Let’s find out the science of why solar eclipse happens. What is the role of the moon in making this happen?

Question 95: Why do we feel sensitivity in our teeth?

– We all love to eat ice creams, but at times we take a big bite of it and suddenly our teeth start paining in a unique manner. It is called sensitivity, listen in to know what this cold sensation is.

Question 94: Why do we roll over while sleeping?

– Many times we hear our parents say that he or she rolls over quite a lot in his or her sleep. But aren’t we sleeping, and not awake? so what makes us change sides while sleeping? Listen in to know why.

Question 93: Why do we only explore Mars and Moon?

– When we talk about space exploration we have often heard only about Mars and Moon. What about other planets? Listen in to know about this.

Question 92: Is there any sound in space?

– We have heard about human beings traveling to space, have you ever wondered how are they able to communicate in space by speaking. Is there any sound that can be heard in space, if yes how, if not why?. Listen in to know more.

Question 91: What is Deja Vu?

– Often something happens in front of us, or we walk into a situation, when we feel that this has already happened, it is called Deja Vu. Listen in to know why this happens.

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Science Podcast For Kids

Question 90: How does the Eiffel tower increase its height in summers?

– OH! is it true that the Eiffel tower gets increased in length by 15 cm in summer, is it a living thing? I am sure not, so listen in to know how and why does this happen.

Question 89: Why does 50-80% oxygen produce by water?

– What is inside the ocean which produces so much oxygen, listen in to know the reason.

Question 88: How can walking barefoot on green grass improve eyesight?

– It is an old age practice that walking on green grass first thing in the morning helps to improve the eyesight, listen in to know why?

Question 87: What happens while chanting OM?

– Many times when we do yoga, or we see anyone doing yoga, we see them chanting OM, listen in to know why is it done.

Question 86: Why must we not water plants at the night?

– All of us love watering plants. But do we know there is a specific time to water the plants, and it is not at all late evenings and nights? Listen in to know why?

Question 85: Why is deep breathing done while yoga or meditation?

– We all love doing yoga and meditation, it relaxes our body and calms our mind. We are also supposed to deep breathe in the process, which is an essential part of these processes. Listen in to know why we are asked to breathe deep while doing Yoga or Meditation.

Question 84: What is Loo or Heat Stroke?

– Children love to play, they hardly care if it is morning, noon, or evening. But our parents do not allow us to play in the noon, sitting that we might catch loo or heat stroke, what is Loo?  Listen in to know.

Question 83: Why do we feel sleepy after meals?

– When we are hungry, we have food. Food when fills our stomachs, the feeling is so nice. Just I am while, on a full stomach, we start to feel sleepy, why does this happen? Listen in to know.

Question 82: Why do we sneeze?

– If we have a cold, or if any dust particle goes inside our nose, we sneeeeeeeeeze. Listen in to know why do we do this.

Question 81: What exactly are tears of joy?

– We cry when we are sad or are hurt and our tears fall down. But many times people end up falling into tears when they are happy. Listen in to know what are tears of joy?

You are listening to a popular science podcast for kids

Science Podcast For Kids

Question 80: Why must we wear light-colored clothes in the summers?

– Summer is the time when we are very lightly clad. We wear cotton clothes and half sleeves and shorts. Many people advise us to wear light-colored clothes also. Listen in to know why.

Question 79: Why do we feel lazy?

– Most of the time we like to be energetic, especially after a relaxing sleep. But many times we feel really lazy, so much so that laziness becomes a habit. Listen in to know why do we feel lazy.

Question 78: Why does the milk curdle?

– At times when we delay heating the milk, it leads to curdling of milk on heating or on keeping it out at room temperature for a long time during summers. Listen in to know. 

Question 77: Why does our body feel pain after a workout?

– Working out is a stress-relieving activity. Nothing like waking up first thing in the morning, and going out for a run or a jog. It gives a refreshing start to the day. But our body starts paining, listen in to know why?

Question 76: How does a deep breath relax us?

– Our Breathing depends on our mental state.  Many times we are told to take a deep breath in order to relax. Listen in to know what is the power of a deep breath. 

Question 75: Why do old books have a distinct smell?

– Some people love to read and collect books. They have different ways to store these books, some keep it in a box, some arranged on a shelf. A great thing about these books is the distinct smell that comes after we open these books after some time. Listen in to know the reason behind this smell.

Question 74: Why does our recorded voice sound different?

– When we speak, we hear the voice within ourselves. When we record our voice, it sounds different. Why is it so? Listen in to know.

Question 73: Why can Chickens identify more colors than humans?

– Humans can identify a lot of colors, but chickens can identify many more colors than humans. What is so special in their eyes, that they cannot only more colors, but also UV light and fluctuations in white light as well. Listen in to find out.

Question 72: Why do we get allergies?

– Often our body reacts in a shocking manner, eg a certain type of food, pollens, gluten, etc. leads to an allergic reaction by our body. Why does this happen, listen in to know. 

Question 71: Why do we get bored?

– When we do a thing for a prolonged period of time, we get bored. What exactly happens in our brains that we feel so. Listen in to know why this happens.

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Science Podcast For Kids

Question 70: Why do we lose our smell and taste in cold?

– Cold and fever not only mean a day off from school but also loss of smell and taste. Whatever we eat it does not taste or smell good. Listen in to know why.

Question 69: Why does’nt food get stale in a refrigerator ?

– We see that every night our parents store the left over food in the fridge. We can warm it and have it the next day. While, leaving the food outside gets stale after sometime, listen in to know why.

Question 68: Why do our clothes dry faster in summers?

-Standing Things that soil our clothes are our sweat, dust in the environment and various other things. To clean our clothes we wash them, but why does it take longer for clothes to dry in winters than summers, listen in to know why.

Question 67: As soon as we enter indoors from bright sunlight, we cant see, Why?

– Getting indoors from exposure to sunlight is definitely a respite from heat. But what about our vision, why can’t we see immediately? It takes some time for our eyes to adjust to the indoor lights, listen in to know why.

Question 66: Why does our skin gets dry in Air Conditioner?

– Long exposure in Air Conditioning leads to dehydration. It is a fact AC absorbs moisture from everything, including our skin. Why does this happen, listen in to know.

Question 65: Why should we not have bath after a meal?

– Summers are so hot that we wish to have a shower many times. Our parents say though, not to bathe immediately after eating. Why this strange disconnect? Listen in to know.

Question 64: Why is Excessive screen time not good for us?

– We hear a lot about reducing screen time. We know screen time is the exposure to our computer, mobile or TV screen. For sure it is bad for eyes, but it is massively bad for our brain, listen in to know why? 

 Question 63: Why do we get Hiccups?

– Sometimes we get a trail of hiccups, non stop, never ending.. it sure has something to do with the air we breathe. What is that, listen in to know.

Question 62: Why do babies have extra bones?

– Do you know that small babies have extra bones, surprised? Adult human bodies have 206 bones, and babies have 205. Are they really bones or something else,  listen in to know more.

Question 61: Why is it good to drink water from a copper vessel

– Some age old practices, which are quite traditional are really beneficial for us. Like our parents say it is good to drink water from a copper vessel. Listen in to know why.

Science Podcast For Kids

Question 60: How does milk change into Yoghurt?

-Often in the kitchen we warm the milk and add a spoonful of yoghurt in it, and in the morning, Milk changes to yoghurt or curd. How does this magic happen, listen in to know.

Question 59: Why does snowfall happen?

-Standing underneath falling snow, enjoying, catching snow flakes is a dream of each one of us. But why does this snow form, and why does it fall in the form of flakes. Listen in to know.

Question 58: Why does February has 28 days, and 29 in a leap year?

-All the months in a year have either 30 or 31 days, except February that has 28 days, and every 4 years, it has 29 days. But why is that? What exactly is a leap year? Listen in to know.

Question 57: Why do we yawwwwwwwwn?

-Whenever we re tired, bored or sleepy, we yawn. We cannot control this yawning, because it is an involuntary reaction of our body. But why does it actually happen, what is the science behind it? Listen in to know.

Question 56: Why do we get tears while cutting onions?

-We avoid cutting onions, or sitting near someone who is cutting it. because it gives us tears in our eye. Listen in to know why this happens.

Question 55: What do you mean by power of spectacles?

-We often ask our friends who wear glasses about the power of them. They say for example, its -1 or +2 etc. What exactly do they mean, listen in to know.

Question 54: Why must we not sit at a place for long?

-People often say that we must stay active and not sit at one place in one position for long. Why is it so, listen in to know?

Question 53: Why does a stone in speed taps on the surface of water?

-Normally a stone is supposed to drown in water immediately. But at times when we throw a stone with specific speed, it taps on water several times and then drowns. Listen in to know why this happens.

Question 52: Why can’t fishes breathe outside water?

-Fishes are beautiful and strange, they cannot breathe outside water, unlike us. Listen in to know how they breathe inside water. 

Question 51: Why are rainy clouds grey?

-When it is about to rain, and we look at the sky, we see that the clouds are grey. Why is it so, listen in to know?

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Science Podcast For Kids

Question 50: What is Global Warming?

-“Global Warming”, “Green House Effect”, famous terms right? These terms are all related to climate change and are harmful for the environment but why does it happen and what exactly are they? Listen to know about these effect.

Question 49: What is climate change?

-We often hear that it has become warmer than before. It is also a term called “Global Warming”. This all is climate change. Such changes happen over a long period of time. Listen in to know what exactly this change is, and how does this happens.

Question 48: Why do we get goosebumps?

-Any exciting moment, cold, or fear makes the hair on our skin stand up. Did you ever wonder why this happens?

Question 47: What are Bloog Groups?

-When we take admission in a school, we have to submit the report of our blood group. We observe that we have distinct blood groups. Know the types of blood group in this podcast

Question 46: Why should we do not have water while eating?

-When we have water between meals, our parents tell us not to have too much of it. We can have a sip or so, but having a large amount of water, it is advisable not to do so.

Question 45: Why do wounds heal?

-At times we get hurt and start bleeding, this blood comes out of the wound. In a few days, the wound gets healed. Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 44: Why do birds migrate?

-We often hear that birds travel long distances and migrate seasonally. Why do they migrate? Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 43: Why is it necessary to sleep?

– Even if we have plans to play or read, our body itself feels tired and makes us fall asleep. Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 42: What is a Blackhole?

– We often use the term “Black Hole”. We know that Black holes are found in space. But what exactly are they, what kind of power they possess.  Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 41: Why animals cannot speak?

-It is easy for humans to speak, ever wondered why can’t animals do. They do communicate but in form of limited sounds. Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

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Science Podcast For Kids

Question 40: Why do honey bees make honey?

– Honey is sweet to eat, it has medicinal properties. Have you ever thought about why do honey bees make honey, how important is that for them? Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 39: Why did Dinosaurs get extinct?

– It is often said “when Dinosaurs were there”, or “around the time of Dinosaurs”. But at present they are extinct, why did they die out? Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 38: How does water reach plants?

– When we pour water on the soil around a plant, we see that it is absorbed by the soil. But how does this happen? Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 37: What is a shooting star?

-We often see a shooting star, and immediately make a wish. But do you the phenomenon behind this shooting star?  Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 36: Why do we forget?

-Many times things skip from our minds. We forget where we have kept our keys or one of our notebooks. It happens because a reason and our science podcast for kids have this answer for you.  Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 35: Why do we scratch when we have itching?

– Sometimes we have skin irritation and we start scratching the place. But what causes the irritation? Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 34: Why does iron rust?

– We often see that old iron thing have an orange-colored layer on it. That layer is rust which is caused due to oxidation. Know what’s that. Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 33: Why do we sweat?

– Whenever we come after running, or if we eat something spicy, or anything that involves physical activity, we start sweating. Why does this happen? Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 32: Why do we laugh?

– Often when we are with our friends, and we see funny things, we are in splits. We laugh as if there is nothing else in the world. But what exactly makes us laugh? Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 31:  Why do we feel like dancing to music?

– The moment we listen to music, our body starts moving to its beats and rhythm. This happens with most of us. Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

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Science Podcast For Kids

Question 30:  Why do tears come out when we cry?

-Whenever we cry tears come out of our eyes, which come out of the tear glands. But do tears made in the glands only when we cry? Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 29: Why do we feel breathless after physical activity?

– After rapid, physical activity, we start sweating and become breathless, therefore we start breathing very fast. Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 28: Why do we dream?

– Dreams are a vital part of our sleeping. While dreaming we see a new world, at times we are on a roller coaster ride. Keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 27: Why does it light a fire when match sticks are rubbed against a matchbox?

– When we strike a match stick against the matchbox’s red surface, fire lights. Do you know why and how? Well, to know the answer keep listening to this podcast of curious questions that kids ask.

Question 26: Why do we shiver in cold?

– In winters we have a lot of ways to keep ourselves warm, we have clothes, blankets, etc. we also have external things like heaters and blowers. But in absence of anything warm, we do shiver. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 25: Why does the skin dry out more in winters?

– Winters bring so many things with them, woolen clothes, blankets, and fog. It also brings dry skin along with it. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 24: Why do shoes stink?

– After prolonged wearing of shoes, our shoes and socks start to stick, and this also happens with our feet. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 23: Why are leaves green in color?

– Greenery looks so nice and soothing to the eye. Leaves are green because of the presence of chlorophyll. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 22: Why do the blades of a fan keep moving even after switching it off?

-When we switch a fan off, we see that the blades keep moving before finally stopping. Why does this happen? Have heard of motion of inertia? Let us explain! Listen to the science podcast for kids to understand

Question 21: Why do Scientists wear White Coats?

-Scientists and people working in labs have unique attire, does it have to do with their profession? Well, the white coats are made of special fabric which has the ability to absorb and washing off chemical stains. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

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Science Podcast For Kids

Question 20: Why can’t we see air?

-When we feel air or breeze blowing against our body, we do enjoy it, but actually cannot see it. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 19: Why are cockroaches, hardy survivors?

-Cockroaches can erupt from anywhere, live inside waters, even live for some days without its head. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 18: Why does an object look tilted in the water?

-We often see that a pencil or any object looks tilted or crooked when we dip it in water. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 17: How do Astronauts Sleep in space?

– Astronauts make months-long trips in space, obviously they need to seem, but since there is no gravity, if they fall asleep, they might keep flying even while sleeping. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 16: Why do we see the moon during the day at times?

-Moon is seen during the night, but sometimes amazing happens on some days and we are able to see the moon during the day as well. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 15: How far away is Sun from the Earth?

-We see Sun like a huge ball of fire in the sky, in the afternoon we cannot even look at it’s a bright light. But actually, it is 93 million miles away, and the sunlight takes 8 minutes to travel from Sun to Earth. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 14: Why do horses stand while sleeping?

-Can you sleep while standing? Well! Horses can! They do sleep while standing. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 13: Where does Sun disappear in the Night?

-Sunrises in the morning, and sets in the night. But does the Sun disappears in the night, or is it the Earth that does some magic? Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 12: Why do animals’ eyes glow in the night?

-Often in the dark, in a corner, or behind a bush, we see some pairs of eyes glowing. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 11: How can flies walk upside down on surfaces?

-We often see flies walking on upside-down surfaces. Can they defy gravity, or is there another reason for it? Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 10: Why does the sun change colors throughout the day?

-When the sun rises, its color is yellow, around noon it is slightly white. Why does it happen?  Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

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Science Podcast For Kids

Question 9: Why does our mouth water after smelling good food?

-Eating and relishing our favorite food is very satisfying, but before that, the thought of eating that food makes out mouth water. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 8: How is Rainbow formed?

-After the rains, we see a clear sky, along with that at a distance we see the seven-colored rainbow.  Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 7: Why do we use lightning earlier and hear thunder later?

-Lightning and Thunder come together during rainy seasons. But Thunder is heard a few seconds later than lightning is seen. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 6: Why do summers have long days and winters have long nights? 

-We can sleep extra in winters, and get up earlier in summers. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 5: Why does our body heat up in fever?

-When in fever, everyone asks us to rest. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 4: Why do we laugh when someone tickles us?

-Tickling each other is a fun game that leads to endless laughter. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 3: Why does fog appear in winter?

-Winters are synonymous with foggy mornings. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 2: Why does the moon follow us as we walk?

-Moon appears to move with us as we move. Things that are closer pass by, but Moon is far away, so it appears to stay in its own place. Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

Question 1: Why owls cannot see in the day?

-Can owls really not see in the day? Listen to the science podcast for kids to know the answer

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