Chalk N Duster: Spoken English For Kids

English is the language of everything in the world. People around the globe might have a different mother tongue but English is such a language, which is widely used everywhere. Did you know how so many countries are so good at spoken English? Throughout the past, Britishers have ruled several countries and forced people to learn English and even speak English. So slowly people adapted to this language and now it is the only language that helps connect us in a global world.
The Importance of Spoken English:
- English is the language of global communication
- Spoken English helps in meeting new people
- Travelling is easier with a good knowledge of English
- Access to good education
- Vast job opportunities
In India, schools prefer children learning English as their first language. Even parents want their kids to speak this foreign language fluently. Psychology says, young kids have more grasp and more power of adaptability than children above 12 years. Spoken English classes improve social interaction in kids as they develop new skills and fluency in speaking while communicating with kids from different cultures. Learning English also build kids’ confidence because they learn to talk fluently in English, develop vocabulary, and accuracy in what they do. Therefore it is important to introduce kids to spoken English as early as possible. Teaching basic English to kids from an early age enables them to build a bright future.
On the other side, kids who are not taught spoken English, find it challenging to pay attention, understand, and communicate in both verbal and written terms. They lack sentence formation and vocabulary, which increases pressure in later stages of life.
Chimes Radio, therefore, brings to you a whole new spoken English podcast for your kids. This Best Spoken English Podcast will help in increasing vocab for kids, help kids in learning English, and will even improve their knowledge of basic English. Every week, a new podcast is uploaded to our streaming mobile applications. Download the Free Chimes Radio app.
Our Original Podcasts are also available on your favorite streaming apps like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Gaana, Jio Saavn, etc. So parents, engage your little ones with new and fun vocab for kids everyday only with Chimes Radio.
Best Spoken English Podcast
Vocab For Kids/ Word | Meaning | Origin |
Revelation (Noun) | An act of making known which is specially a surprising disclosure | Late Latin -Revelare, Revelatio English- Reveal, Revelation |
Community (Noun) | A group of people who share some some common things like race, religion, values, custom etc. | Late Latin -Communis, Communitas English- Common, Community |
Monopoly (Noun) | Complete control especially in the field of business It also means possession or use of something which belongs to one person or a group and it is not shared by other people. | Greek- Monos, polein, monopolion Latin- Monopoly |
Charm (Noun) | Quality in a thing or a person that please others It also means something that you wear or have because you believe that it is going to be a good-luck for you | Old Latin- Carmen Old French- Charme/ Charmer English- Charm |
Recollect (Verb) | To remember something, especially by making an effort to do so | Old Latin- Recolligere English- Recollect |
Integrity (Noun) | Quality of being honest and morally strong | Old Latin- Integer French- Integrite English- Integrity |
Movement (Noun) | An act of moving It also means, a group of people who have the same aim or the same idea | Old Latin- Movere, Movimentum |
Enlist (Verb) | Join a team like an army, navy or air force | English- Inlist Dutch- Inlijisten English- Enlist |
Illumination (Noun) | The place from which light comes out | Late Latin- Illuminare, illuminatio English- Illumination, illumination |
Applaud (Verb) | To express approval by clapping | Latin- Ad+plaudere, applaudere French- Applaudir English- Applaud |
Fantasy (Noun) | A situation that is not true but imagined | Greek- phantazein, phantasia Old French- fantasie English- Fantasy |
Recognizable (Adjective) | Something/ someone that is easily identifiable | Latin- Recognoscare Old French- Reconnaissable English- Recognize, Recognizable |
Inspirational (Adjective) | To provide inspiration to someone | Late Latin- Inspirare,inspiratio English- Inspiration, inspire |
Compliment (Noun) | A statement or an action that shows admiration of somebody | Late Latin- Complementum Italian- Complimento French & English- Compliment |
Vintage (Adjective) | Something of high quality and of lasting value | Latin- Vinum + demere Late Latin- Vindemia Old French- Vendange, Vendage English- Vintage |
Automated (Adjective) | Something which is operated by a machine without human interaction | English- Automation, Automate |
Nostalgia (Noun) | A feeling of pleasure mixed with sadness when we think about happy times of the past | Greek- Nostos + algos English- Nostalgia |
Humility (Noun) | The quality of not thinking that we are better than others i.e. staying grounded | Latin- Humilitus English- Humility |
Treasure(Noun) | Collection of valuable objects like gold, silver or in today’s digital world, it can be intangible things too | Greek- Thēsaurós French- Tresor English- Tresaurus, treasure |
Aesthetics (Noun) | The quality of not thinking that we are better than others i.e. staying grounded | Greek- Aisthethai, aistheta, aisthetikos English- Aesthetics |
Quit(Verb) | To leave something like a job or some place or to stop doing something | Latin- Quies, Quie scere, quietus French- Quiter, Quite English- Quit |
Endangered (Adjective) | An animal, plant, or anything else which is on the verge of disappearing from Earth | French- en Anglo French- Dangier English- Endanger |
Civil (Adjective) | Used to represent the common man or citizens of a country | Latin- Civis, civilis French- Civil |
Amicable (Adjective) | Something that is made or done in a friendly way without any arguement | Latin- Amicus Late Latin- Amicabilis English- Amicable |
Distinguish (Verb) | To recognize the difference between two things or two people | Latin- Dis+ stinguere= distinguere French- Distinguer English- Distinguish |
Dignity (Verb) | Quality or state of being worthy, honoured or esteemed | Latin- Dignus, dignitus French- Dignete English- Dignity |
Entity (Verb) | Something that exists separately and has its own identity | Latin- Esse, ens ent, entitas French- Entite English- Entity |
Unofficial (Adjective) | Something that is not accepted by a person or official of authority | Latin- Esse, ens ent, entitas French- Entite English- Entity |
Edifice (Noun) | A large or massive structure, like the Eiffel Tower | Latin- aedis+ facere= aedificium English- Edifice |
Empowerment (Noun) | Authority or power given to someone to do something | Old French- Prefix “En” & Power English- Empower |
Propel (Verb) | Driving or pushing something forward | Latin- pro+pellere= propellere English- Propel |
Migrate (Verb) | To move from one region or habitat to another | Latin- migrare, migrant, migrate |
Solistice (Noun) | The time or date, twice in a year, when the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, to mark the longest and shortest days of the year | Latin- sistere, sol+ stit, solstitioum English- Solistice |
Enchanted (Adjective) | Filled with delight or charm | Latin- in+ cantare= incantare Old French- Enchanter English- Inchant, Enchant |
Gratitude (Noun) | The quality of being thankful and readiness to show expression or return kindness | Latin- gratus Old French- Gratitudo English- Gratitude |
Enrich (Verb) | To improve or enhance the quality or value of something | Old French- en+ riche= enrichir English- Enrich |
Statesman (Noun) | A skilled, experienced and respected political figure | Old French- homme d’État English- States+man = Statesman |
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