Join Our Podcast Network


Join Our Kids & Family Podcast Network

If you are a kids & family content creator or aspire to become one, we will love to hear from you.

Our World-Class Podcasters

Inviting all Kid's Content Creators to join our Podcast Network

Did You Answer "YES" To The Above?

If so, we would like to hear from you!


Grab Your Oppurtunity

We will distribute your content globally to all the major podcasting platforms.  Spotify, Wynk, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon, Gaana, Jio Saavn to name a big few including our own Chimes Radio app. 


Inventory & Revenue

We use our own advertising network and capabilities to sell advertising slots across all our content inventory and share the revenue directly with the podcasters.


Podcasts Streaming On

Fill The Form Below To Join The Fastest Growing Kids' Podcast Network

**You can share up to 3 attachments (only jpg, mp3 or wav files of 10 MB allowed)

Be Our Podcaster

We are on a mission to change kid’s entertainment in India and beyond. And now is a great time to be part of this story.

PS: Podcasting is not a shortcut to becoming overnight millionaires. Rewards are slow to grow but long-lasting.


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