Vaccination Schedule for babies in india

Vaccination For Babies
The year 2020 has made everyone understand the importance of vaccines in our lives. Vaccination is one of the best ways to prevent children from getting affected by dangerous diseases. Vaccine shots given to children create antibodies in their body which then help them to fight the harmful antigens or foreign substances trying to enter in their systems. Antibodies are like the soldiers of our bodies protecting us from dangerous diseases. Vaccines protect not just the children, but everyone they come in contact with. When more and more people get vaccinated, the spread of disease also gets limited, eventually eradicating the disease completely.
Babies are born with some direct immunity (transferred from mother to the kid). But the government recommends having every child vaccinated for their own well-being and develop a strong immunity system. That is also the reason that medically, breastfeeding is highly recommended for young babies as mothers pass on their immunity to young babies this way. Within India, the government’s Polio drive over last few decades has helped put a curb and eventually eliminate the threat of diseases like Polio from India. Similarly, vaccination for other dangerous diseases like hepatitis, measles, tetanus and others become essential for long term health of kids.
Chimes has come up with an immunization chart or what every parent calls it, a vaccination schedule or vaccination chart for babies based on the recommendations of WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF. It states all the vaccine shots that a kid must be provided with from their birth till the medically advised age groups.
Disclaimer: The information provided below is only to be used as reference by parents to develop a better understanding of required vaccinations and is NOT meant to be taken as authoritative guide on kids vaccinations. Also kindly note that the vaccination schedules or vaccination chart for babies are often dependent on your location too as some diseases or threats are localized and only babies in certain areas need to be given some extra vaccines to keep them safe.Government guidelines and medical advise on such things keep evolving as new diseases and better and effective medications are discovered. So please consult your baby’s doctor or pediatrician to discuss your specific case.
Vaccination Schedule For Babies In India  / Vaccination Chart For Babies
Vaccine Name | Vaccine Schedule | Protection Against |
DTap | Dose 1: age 2 months | Diphtheria,causes heart muscle swelling, heart failure, paralysis, and death |
Influenza | Every year, starting at age 6 months | Influenza(flu), causes pneumonia |
HepA | Dose 1: Between age 12 months and 23 months | Hepatitis A, causes liver failure |
HepB | Dose 1: At birth | Hepatitis B, causes chronic liver infection, liver failure, or liver cancer |
Hib | Dose 1: age 2 months | Haemophilus influenzae type b, causes life-threatening diseases like meningitis, epiglottis, cognitive disability, pneumonia, and death |
HPV | Doses 1-3 between age 11 years and 12 years | Human papillomavirus, causes cervical cancer in women and genital warts in both men and women |
IPV | Dose 1: age 2 months | Polio, causes paralysis and death |
PCV13 | Dose 1: age 2 months | Pneumococcus, causes sinus, ear infection, pneumonia, blood infection, meningitis, and death |
MCV4 | Dose between age 11 years and 12 years, with a booster at age 16 years | Meningococcal disease, causes bacterial meningitis, loss of limbs, disabilities, deafness, stroke, and death |
MMR | Dose 1: Between age 12 months and 15 months | Measles, causes brain swelling, pneumonia, and death |
RV | Dose 1: age 2 months | Rotavirus,causes diarrhea and dehydration |
Tdap | Single dose between age 11 years and 12 years | Tetanus, causes painful muscle spasms, troubled breathing, and death |
Varicella | Dose 1: Between age 12 months and 15 months |
Immunization has proven to be highly effective in improving the survival rates of children all over the world in last few decades. Missing Routine Immunization (RI) can be fatal for infants. Immunization for children is one of the most effective way to protect them from diseases. Researchers have indicated that approx. 1.5 million infant deaths could be avoided globally if all new borns were properly vaccinated. Over the last twenty years or so, India has made significant progress in improving health pointers, especially those related to well being of children. India was certified polio-free in 2014. Not only this, but also removed maternal and neonatal tetanus in 2015.
Immunization for kids acts as a defensive shield, protecting families and communities. By vaccinating children, we are additionally ensuring the well-being of other individuals too, including newly-conceived infants.
The Government of India had launched a program called Mission Indradhanush, the biggest vaccination program in the world. As far as the number of recipients, topographical coverage, and quantities of vaccine used, almost 27 million new-borns focused for immunization or vaccination every year. The Program introduced new vaccines, including the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) and Rotavirus Vaccine (RVV).
Mission Indradhanush has been executed in 190 regions. A survey shows that as per the program’s mission, the proportion of children with full vaccination coverage expanded. The expand was by 18.5 percent from pre-Mission Indradhanush estimates. The learnings from Mission Indradhanush are being utilized to vaccinate all missed kids in the nation. The mission is to accomplish 90% Full Immunization Coverage in India.
Vaccination statstics
Just 65 percent of children in India get full vaccination during the primary years of their life. Immunization has the power to spare lives and control sickness. Despite the fact, a large number of small kids in the world over are missing out on the great opportunity to get vaccinated. And thus, increasing the danger of illness.
In India, immunization coverage differs impressively from state to state. The most minimal rates is in the huge central states. The most elevated numbers of somewhat vaccinated and non-vaccinated kids are found in states, like, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.

The current infant mortality rate in kids for India in 2020 is 29.848 deaths per 1000 live births. There is a decline of 3.48% from 2019. Thus, Vaccination protects children from serious illness and complicated diseases which causes several issues in human bodies. The diseases like paralysis of limbs, hearing loss, convulsions, brain damage, measles, mumps, whooping cough, etc.